Wednesday, June 4, 2014

ADHD Symptoms In Toddlers - Normal Behavior Misdiagnosed Or Is It The Real Deal?

Recognizing ADHD symptoms in toddlers is not as easily accomplished as it is when the child is older. However even though you may not have considered that your tot has ADHD you have probably come to the conclusion that there is something different about your child and the way that he or she behaves.

The ADHD toddler might appear to progress more slowly than other kids. Very often the toddler with ADHD might not learn to talk as quickly as their peers and they also have a tendency to resort to different levels of violence such as hitting, biting, etc. Very often the child will learn to speak like other kids by the time they start kindergarten but their behavior remains somewhat troublesome and rather disruptive.

You might notice that your child tends to lose things or drop things, that they have difficulty paying attention, and that they are very easily distracted, more so than other kids in the same age group.
Despite the fact that ADHD has been so extensively researched over the years we still do not know what causes the disorder.

What we do know is that there are structural and functional imbalances within the child's brain and these are believed to play some kind of role in their behavior. Young children can display these signs at an early age and ADHD symptoms in toddlers could include not learning to walk or talk by a certain age and having poor balance.

 Tots with ADHD will find it difficult to remain still or when it comes to following directions. They also experience difficulties when it comes to controlling their impulses and may be impatient even when playing. They constantly jump from one activity to another and seem to have loads of energy even though they do not sleep as much as a child of the same age. They also tend to not have a good grasp of what is dangerous and they are also known to have a high threshold for pain. They want to move around, jump on things, run, throw tantrums, etc. especially when they do not get their own way.

Unfortunately such a child is often labeled as being badly behaved and in need of discipline. People will shake their heads and pass comments along the lines of: "If that were my child I would never tolerate such misbehavior", or "If that were my child they would have got a good hiding for that behavior"!

The reality is that the child is not in control of their behavior and finds it all but impossible to control it. Nor is the behavior of the ADHD toddler indicative of poor parenting or lack of discipline. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a legitimate disorder that can really play havoc with a child's life if left undiagnosed and untreated.

The symptoms persist through the teen years and on into adulthood, disrupting the individual's social and professional lives as well as making it difficult to maintain healthy relationships. If you suspect that your toddler has ADHD you need to have the child evaluated however treatment would need to be of a type other than medication.

There are three subtypes or forms of ADHD and ADHD symptoms in toddlers can fall into these categories as they do with older children and adults. The three forms are:

* Predominantly inattentive
* Predominantly hyperactive
* Combined inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive

By the time a toddler reaches the age of six or seven the symptoms are more evident, especially the hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Inattentive ADHD on the other hand is somewhat more difficult to discern until the child is a bit older. That is because the symptoms only become evident when the child shows that they have difficulty following directions and finishing their school work.

They daydream a lot and try to avoid those tasks and activities that require their ongoing or sustained concentration. Usually they are perceived as being messy, untidy, lazy, and disorganized. If diagnosis is not rendered these labels and admonitions leveled upon them can lead to severe self-esteem problems that will persist into their later years.

Do you require more information on ADHD symptoms in toddlers? If so, and if you would like to discover a natural homeopathic remedy that will enable you to effectively and safely treat ADHD in your child, please visit my website at: I look forward to introducing you to a remedy that will prove helpful in addressing many ADHD-related issues. By V K Rajagopalan, strong supporter and advocate of natural healthy living.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Four Warning Signs Of ADHD Symptoms In Toddlers

The first thing I want to say is that it can be very difficult to diagnose ADHD in toddlers. Children at this age group are naturally impatient and energetic. They run around without thinking of possible consequences, cry excessively, and have difficulty concentrate for just 2 minutes.

However, children with ADHD do show signs and symptoms EARLY in their lives. Some parents are concerned when their children seem to be more impulsive and hyperactive compared with others at the same age.

Here are some of the symptoms that children with ADHD may display:

1. Sleep disturbances: let's face it. Many 2 or 3 years old are not good sleepers. But children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are more likely to have sleep problems than others, for example, waking up more often during the night, and having trouble falling asleep.

2. Extreme hyperactiveness: restless, running around non-stop until too exhausted to move, destroying things... I bet these have happened to most of our toddlers. But children with ADHD display these behaviors more frequently and extremely.

3. Inattention: Inattention is one of the most typical symptoms of ADHD. Children with this condition are reported to be more easily bored at games and toys, and are constantly distracted.

4. Hypersensitivity: how do you know if your child is hypersensitive? Well, check the following signs. Do they refuse to wear clothes of a certain fabric? Do they have aversions to foods of a certain texture? Some parents complain that their toddlers just won't wear denim pants because of the hard fabrics. My own son refused to eat bananas and eggs since he was less than one year old.

If your toddlers have shown the above signs for at least 6 months, it is advised that you talk to their pediatrician about their condition.

When it comes to treatments for this neuro-behavioral disorder, prescribed medications may not be suitable for very young children due to the potential harsh side effects.

However, there are natural treatments that work wonders for many families.
· Behavioral management techniques: behavioral therapy has proven to be highly useful for children. It is to increase good behaviors by providing positive consequences to the child.
· Diet changes: some experts believe that too much sugary food and drinks may make children hyperactive and impulsive. Balanced diets are essential for children's health and development.
· Homeopathic remedies: natural remedies such as Verta alb have long been used to help people with various health problems.

All of these above are safe for children, and are non-addictive. You can go to my website to read more on natural treatments for ADHD symptoms.

Hi, My name is Audrey, and I am a researcher and advocate on homeopathic treatments of ADHD, especially in children. I have seen many ADHD children who manage their symptoms successfully with natural remedies, without harsh side effects. My website to provide well-researched information to both ADHD sufferers, their parents and carers, so that they understand this condition and cope with it in a better way. Visit Today:
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